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The story of a wonderful discovery

Where the Austrian monarchy once planned a climate spa with a Europe-wide reputation, the FORESTIS now nestles in the dense woodlands of the Plose mountain with the same appreciation for the uniqueness of this natural place of energy.


1912 - Construction of a tuberculosis sanatorium

The Austrian monarchy wanted to build the tuberculosis sanatorium precisely here at Palmschoss, because of its excellent natural features. They were unable to realise the project as planned due to the chaos of war.


2000 – The wondrous discovery

Many decades later, Alois Hinteregger discovered the old wooden building. The sunny location in the midst of dense woodland and the view of the Dolomites immediately entranced him.


2009 – Opening of a hotel

The energy and lightness radiated by the location and the building soon inspired him to construct a hotel here. The excellent water, pure mountain air, sunshine and mild climate all encouraged him in this project.

FORESTIS Rezeption

2020 – Start of a new era

Here, FORESTIS opens a new chapter. The four elements that were decisive in the selection of this site are taken up and reflected in the whole philosophy and architecture of FORESTIS with even greater depth – in a hideaway that lives in and with nature and focuses on the importance of time, naturalness, and simplicity.