Menu Forestis
  • FORESTIS Foggy Mountains 2

The mild climate in Palmschoss and the fresh air in the forest, which penetrates into every room through the wood, promote sleep and contribute to sustainable regeneration.

On the Plose mountain, warm, salty winds from the Mediterranean region meet cool northern currents from the Brenner Pass. This interaction produces a climate in which the vegetation thrives profusely, and the body is gently exercised by the combination of mild temperatures and a high location. One feels a pleasant tiredness, one sleeps longer, and better and holistic regeneration starts to take place even after just a short while. This climate is especially beneficial for people with allergies, breathing problems or skin complaints. The forest, which surrounds FORESTIS is the major feature of the landscape here on the southern slope of the Plose and contributes to the swift stress reduction experienced by the body in this climate region.

The Central European forest was regarded as a major remedy by the Celts. They knew how to use the terpene-rich air of the forest, which is now known to strengthen the immune function of the cells, the energy that emanates from the living trees, and the variety of plants to prevent illnesses, for healing, and very generally for the maintenance of mental balance and well-being.

This old knowledge of the power of the forest, which is in turn essential for maintaining this favourable climate, is thoroughly incorporated into the philosophy of FORESTIS. In the spa, every type of tree is appreciated and used for its special qualities. Our forest cuisine draws on the rich variety of ingredients from our forests and the surrounding natural world. The local wood with which all suites are furnished also influences quality of sleep with its essential fragrance. The direct experience of the forest, which bestows an abundance of sensory impressions, combines with the climate to prevent chronic illnesses or heart attacks, strengthen the immune system and improve the mood, producing a positive interplay that allows holistic regeneration.